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Sculpture de forme libre d'Ashley Howard, Royaume-Uni (vers 1995)..Outstanding free form ceramic sculpture by Ashley Howard, United-Kingdom (circa 1995)

Sculpture de forme libre d'Ashley Howard, Royaume-Uni (vers 1995)..Outstanding free form ceramic sculpture by Ashley Howard, United-Kingdom (circa 1995)
Sculpture de forme libre d'Ashley Howard, Royaume-Uni (vers 1995)..Outstanding free form ceramic sculpture by Ashley Howard, United-Kingdom (circa 1995)
Sculpture de forme libre d'Ashley Howard, Royaume-Uni (vers 1995)..Outstanding free form ceramic sculpture by Ashley Howard, United-Kingdom (circa 1995)
Sculpture de forme libre d'Ashley Howard, Royaume-Uni (vers 1995)..Outstanding free form ceramic sculpture by Ashley Howard, United-Kingdom (circa 1995)
Sculpture de forme libre d'Ashley Howard, Royaume-Uni (vers 1995)..Outstanding free form ceramic sculpture by Ashley Howard, United-Kingdom (circa 1995)
Sculpture de forme libre d'Ashley Howard, Royaume-Uni (vers 1995)..Outstanding free form ceramic sculpture by Ashley Howard, United-Kingdom (circa 1995)
Sculpture de forme libre d'Ashley Howard, Royaume-Uni (vers 1995)..Outstanding free form ceramic sculpture by Ashley Howard, United-Kingdom (circa 1995)
Sculpture de forme libre d'Ashley Howard, Royaume-Uni (vers 1995)..Outstanding free form ceramic sculpture by Ashley Howard, United-Kingdom (circa 1995)
Sculpture de forme libre d'Ashley Howard, Royaume-Uni (vers 1995)..Outstanding free form ceramic sculpture by Ashley Howard, United-Kingdom (circa 1995)
Sculpture de forme libre d'Ashley Howard, Royaume-Uni (vers 1995)..Outstanding free form ceramic sculpture by Ashley Howard, United-Kingdom (circa 1995)
Sculpture de forme libre d'Ashley Howard, Royaume-Uni (vers 1995)..Outstanding free form ceramic sculpture by Ashley Howard, United-Kingdom (circa 1995)
Sculpture de forme libre d'Ashley Howard, Royaume-Uni (vers 1995)..Outstanding free form ceramic sculpture by Ashley Howard, United-Kingdom (circa 1995)
Sculpture de forme libre d'Ashley Howard, Royaume-Uni (vers 1995)..Outstanding free form ceramic sculpture by Ashley Howard, United-Kingdom (circa 1995)
Sculpture de forme libre d'Ashley Howard, Royaume-Uni (vers 1995)..Outstanding free form ceramic sculpture by Ashley Howard, United-Kingdom (circa 1995)
Sculpture de forme libre d'Ashley Howard, Royaume-Uni (vers 1995)..Outstanding free form ceramic sculpture by Ashley Howard, United-Kingdom (circa 1995)
Sculpture de forme libre d'Ashley Howard, Royaume-Uni (vers 1995)..Outstanding free form ceramic sculpture by Ashley Howard, United-Kingdom (circa 1995)
Sculpture de forme libre d'Ashley Howard, Royaume-Uni (vers 1995)..Outstanding free form ceramic sculpture by Ashley Howard, United-Kingdom (circa 1995)
Sculpture de forme libre d'Ashley Howard, Royaume-Uni (vers 1995)..Outstanding free form ceramic sculpture by Ashley Howard, United-Kingdom (circa 1995)
Sculpture de forme libre d'Ashley Howard, Royaume-Uni (vers 1995)..Outstanding free form ceramic sculpture by Ashley Howard, United-Kingdom (circa 1995)
Sculpture de forme libre d'Ashley Howard, Royaume-Uni (vers 1995)..Outstanding free form ceramic sculpture by Ashley Howard, United-Kingdom (circa 1995)
Sculpture de forme libre d'Ashley Howard, Royaume-Uni (vers 1995)..Outstanding free form ceramic sculpture by Ashley Howard, United-Kingdom (circa 1995)
Sculpture de forme libre d'Ashley Howard, Royaume-Uni (vers 1995)..Outstanding free form ceramic sculpture by Ashley Howard, United-Kingdom (circa 1995)
Sculpture de forme libre d'Ashley Howard, Royaume-Uni (vers 1995)..Outstanding free form ceramic sculpture by Ashley Howard, United-Kingdom (circa 1995)

€ 3,000.00

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Ashley Howard (né en 1963)

Importante sculpture biomorphique tripode
Grès émaillée en camaïeu de bleu-vert
Signature au cachet sous la base

vers 1995

H 27 x P 22 cm

Parfait état


Ashley Howard (born in 1963)

Important tripod biomorphic sculpture
Glazed stoneware in shades of blue-green
Signature stamped under the base

Circa 1995

H 27 x D 22 cm

In a perfect condition


"The work of Ashley Howard remains extraordinarily fresh. He is an assured but rigorous explorer and celebrant of the past, clearly indebted to a variety of ceramic traditions, but he has been able to absorb these ideas into a very modern, resourceful and uncommonly free language of his own." 
David Whiting, écrivain et critique.

Membre de l'Académie internationale de la céramique Ashley Howard incarne une certaine figure de l'artisanat d'aujourd'hui. De ce point il est l'héritier direct d'une tradition qui interroge l'idée de position (d'artiste, de production, éthique, environnementale, etc...) pour alimenter son travail matériel et réflexif. Fasciné par les rites et les objets rituels, il a maintenu un dialogue entre les traditions céramiques d'Extrême-Orient et son autonomie qui répondent à sa fascination pour l'idée de cérémoniel. Céramiste et enseignant, il fonde ainsi sa pédagogie sur cette attention au rituel, sur la réflexion sur les conditions de fabrication des artefacts qui le mette en œuvre. Il s'intéresse ainsi logiquement à explorer l'architecture des formes d'usage, de la surface de ces formes et de leurs relations avec l'environnement humain et spatial.


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